Maintenance kit 50 ARMAESTRIA : Metal Degreaser 50 ml + Cold gun bluing Black Metal 50 ml + Oil finish 75 ml + microfibre



Categories: , , Product ID: 6781


Complete kit for cold tanning hunting, shooting or collecting weapons.

This kit includes:

- DGREASE ARMAESTRIA degreaser in 50 ml can

- Cold tanning BLACK METAL ARMAESTRIA 50 ml tin

- FINISH ARMAESTRIA finishing oil spray without gas 75 ml

- ARMEFIBRE ARMAESTRIA special microfibre metals


1) Degreaser, cleaner, descaler DGREASE ARMAESTRIA 50 ml:

Degreaser and complete cleaner before tanning

Also perfect cleaner for butts, mechanisms and guns.

- Deincrust, dissolve, degrease and effortlessly cleans all metal parts and other surfaces of the weapon.

- Ready to use, odourless

- Immediate action



Shake well before use

- Pour DGREASE Armaestria into a cup,

- Using a brush, apply 1 to 2 layers of the product on the metal parts (inside and outside) to be degreased and leave for 2 to 3 minutes.

- Rub with a cloth or a brush if necessary then rinse with water,

- Wipe with a dry, clean cloth and allow to dry.

- Repeat the operation if necessary.


Tips and tricks:

You can improve the process by passing your room to the "souflette" after rinsing it.

Do not wait to start the metal treatment with the cold tan Black Metal because it, exposed, may oxidise quickly!

Can of 250 ml


2) The cold tanning BLACK METAL ARMAESTRIA 50 ml

The cold tan "BLACK METAL ARMAESTRIA" allows to perform a tan (or burnishing) on the steel of hunting, shooting or collection weapons, as well as on any piece of steel "carbon".

Protects metal parts from oxidation and corrosion.

Well used, can give a deep enough black to your weapon.


Manual :  

Once the weapon is perfectly degreased with the degreaser DGREASE, and dry:

- Apply in thin layer (with cotton wick or brush "fine hair") directly on the barrel and metal parts to tan, avoiding run-outs.

- Let the first application dry for 1 to 2 hours and lightly card with a very fine steel wool type 0000, fine surface oxidation (white, yellow to grey colour ...).

- Renew the operation until you obtain the desired shade, leaving between 30 and 45 minutes each new layer of Black Metal. Do not degrease between each layer - In the 4th passage, your room must be perfectly black.

- Finish the tan by generously applying the "Finish Weapon", lubricant and protector to the faith, to fix the tan. Imperative for a good tanning performance in time!

This product is not effective on stainless steels or other exotic alloys.

The cold tanning Black Metal ARMAESTRIA is a product recently put on the market, but the "recipe" of manufacture is old, therefore proven and used successfully for many years!

Tips: - It is imperative to carry out before each tanning a perfect degreasing of the weapon with DGREASE in order to obtain an optimal result

- It is also advisable to "get your hands dirty" with the product before tackling the part you want to treat.

For that, it is enough to make tests on secondary parts or having less importance, so as not to "panic" during the application.



FINISH ARMAESTRIA nourishes, protects permanently all projections and moisture (traces of mud, lead fats, drops of water ...) and restores the radiance of new.

Achieves natural shine and increased wear resistance through its protective film, and gives a deep, satiny black to the newly created tan.

- Can also be used to preserve your weapons, especially during prolonged storage or winter storage.

- Ready to use, long-lasting.


Manual :

- Apply FINISH ARMAESTRIA with a cloth to fix the tan after using Black metal ARMAESTRIA

- Then polish with a microfibre (we advise you to use our ARMEFIBRE microfibre for perfect protection and finishing of the weapon or metal parts.


4) ARMEFIBRE special metal microfibre

Microfibre finishing special metal surfaces.

Perfect for use after use of FINISH ARMAESTRIA

Black colour, dimensions: 40 x 40 cm

Complete kit for gun bluing weapons and carbon steels 

Dangerous - Respect precautions

Download here the SDS for Dgrease

Download here the SDS for Black Metal

Download here the SDS for Finish

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