We use the following payment methods:
- Prepayment by bank transfer
- Paypal (Paypal/Credit card)
- MOLLIE (Ideal, Sofort etc.)
Additional charges may apply depending on the payment method.
Payment by bank transfer is made in advance. After we receive the payment, your order will be prepared and sent. If the payment is from a bank other than Crelan, it may take 1 or 2 working days to register your payment.
Abroad (Netherlands, Luxembourg) this depends on each bank. Please consult your own bank about this.
If paying by PayPal, the order will be shipped when payment is completed via PayPal. For more information on shipping times check the Customer Service page.
Mollie is not visible to you as a customer during the payment process but will be visible on your account statement.
Through MOLLIE, we offer the following payment modalities:
- SOFORT Banking
- Mastercard
- Visa
- American Express
- Bancontact / Mistercash
- Etcetera...
Is your payment preference not listed here? Contact us to ask about other possibilities. We will see what we can do for you.